Once upon a time, video killed the radio star; now, it’s affecting traditional blogging, too. While the written word remains popular and necessary, video is quickly becoming the outlet of choice for people looking for information, entertainment, and knowledge. This is important to remember if you own a business.
According to the Guardian, video accounts for approximately 69% of consumer internet traffic (and those numbers will probably increase). This makes it an important part of content marketing and many companies have already begun to take notice.
Axonn Research suggests that more companies are using video blogging than aren’t. They also suggest that it’s not a fad destined to disappear: 64% of marketers expect video to dominate future strategies.
But, why is this? What is it about video that makes it so popular?
The answer isn’t black and white because it’s not one single thing. Instead, video offers a variety of perks, including:
Video has tremendous potential
Video can reach far and wide, crossing oceans and spanning the globe. To understand this you only need to look at YouTube, a site that receives more than a billion unique hits each month.
Video is consumed readily
According to Business 2 Community, video is easier to consume on mobile devices than other types of media. Consumers can watch videos while they do laundry, cook dinner, or perform several other tasks. Articles require a much larger degree of dedication.
Video is engaging
Videos engage watchers – consumers identify with what you’re saying and feel as though they know you better when they can watch instead of read. In short, video gives your brand a face and allows consumers to see you as a person. That’s what customers want: people need people.
Video offers visual opportunity
If you’re a company that sells products, video allows you to show your customer the product rather than simply tell them about it. This is a stronger form of advertising that translates into higher sales.
Video is fast and easy
Writing well isn’t something everyone can do, but anyone can sit in front of a camera and talk. Even if you do fancy yourself a writer, video blogging is much faster; you don’t need to worry about spelling or editing or offending the internet with improper grammar.
Video is promotable
Many small businesses dream of a post or a story that goes viral (for good reasons). Traditional blogging has certainly created fame for some companies, but video blogging is simple to promote on your social media pages. And, because video is eagerly consumed, it innately reaches larger audiences. This is how going viral begins.
Video blogging is here to stay. Small companies, in particular, must adapt and adopt: if you haven’t posted your first video blog yet, plan it soon. Ignoring video may not seem like that big of a deal at the moment, but give it a few years. Being a company with a video-less website will be as archaic as being a company with no website at all.
The post Video Blogging: An Essential for Small Businesses appeared first on Sunnyside Social Media.